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50 things about me


A few months have passed now since i started my blog and i thought i'd share with you some facts that you may or may not know about me. 

Alot of bloggers put a post up like this - so that we can give you a little insight to who we are, what we like and dont like and basically to share that we are just like you! 

So here goes.. my 50 facts about me.


  1. I LOVE Summer! And this is most probably at number 1 - because i have not felt my toes since i got out of bed this morning where i woke up to a freezing 3 degrees! 
  2. Coffee is my salvation! I love it, adore it, it makes everything a bit better
  3. I'm a Virgo - which apparently means that i should be super organised and a type A personality ( they really should review this after having children ) as Steve believes i've turned into a bit of a fairy since having kids!
  4. I was born with pneumonia
  5. I love reality tv - i know it's hard to admit it but i cant wait for little Jack to go to bed where i can then look up all my saved episodes of Masterchef, The Block, Real Housewives of NYC or Melbourne and my brain can switch off and just be entertained
  6. I failed my licence the first time :(
  7. I'm obsessed with Google. Google has helped in many of debates in the house of McLean's. 
  8. I'm petrified of horror movies. give me a romcom any day
  9. Going on a plane is not my favourite thing to, do but the destination is my motivation
  10. In life - i dont like planning
  11. I want to kill my alarm clock every morning 
  12. I used to speak in different languages in my sleep when i was little
  13. I proposed to Steve! ( yes, i couldn't be bothered waiting a decade for him to pop the question!)
  14. I'm more of a dog person than a cat person
  15. I love tattoos! and plan on getting more and more and more 
  16. One of my favourite places in the world is Bali - maybe i will live there in my twilight years
  17. My children are my life but i must admit i'm not the type of mum that wants their kids at her feet all the time. 
  18. There is 18 years between hubby and i. 
  19. I can't stand being told what to do
  20. I never had wisdom teeth ( lucky me!) 
  21. Nothing beats great converstaion with people. I love finding out peoples "stories" and what make them tick.
  22. I dont have a savings account 
  23. Smiths Orginal Crinkle chips are my all time favourite snack
  24. I dont ever want to die. I'm so scared of the idea
  25. There are sharks in the ocean - i dont like to swim there
  26. one of my first cars was a 1976 Holden Gemini. It rocked! no heater or radio but it was the best little car.
  27. i consider myself more of glass half full type of person
  28. I cry often
  29. i really like the person that i am - i think she's a pretty nice chick!
  30. i have recently ended my addiction with purchasing kitchen containers. 
  31. I smoke -  to my mother's dismay :(
  32. doing the laundry is one of the biggest things i detest. To the point that i would clean toilets before washing clothes, hanging clothes, folding clothes, putting away clothes to then just do it all over again!
  33. I've suffered from anxiety for about 10 years
  34. Steve is my best friend
  35. I dont like answering the house phone
  36. I love the sound of rain on a tin roof at night
  37. I want to visit India one day and spend some time in an Ashram
  38. I would try Botox tomorrow
  39. Autism suck balls! My eldest Ethan has Autism and i think it has aged me about 20 years
  40. I grew up too quick 
  41. Talking to a crowd doesn't frighten me
  42. I have been known to put electrical appliances in the fridge and the odd footy tipping sheet. ( remember Virgo but after kids? Fairy? )
  43. When i grow up - i'm not sure what i want to do 
  44. God help you if you try and wake me when i'm asleep!
  45. I'm the youngest Cheryl i know - most other Cheryl's are little grannys 
  46. If you drove past me on the road and looked into my car - you would most likely see me singing out loud like no one was watching
  47. My idea of camping is in a caravan park where there are toilets and showers. Not the bush
  48. My first live concert that i saw was Coldplay
  49. I write with my left hand
  50. I spend way too much time on facebook

Till next time :) 





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