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Dear Uterus


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I recently had my first date with PMS. I mean seriously people! This shit is BAD!

 I have always had a tumultuous relationship with my uterus ever since I can remember. Painful periods, endometriosis, a very scary cancer scare last year {ladies, get a pap smear EVERY YEAR!}, we really were not on the best terms for ages, but I can give my lady area some credit – it helped me create these two beauties:


But through all my hormonal trouble I had never really experienced this so called “PMS”. I thought “oh yeah, so you crack it a bit at a certain time of the month”, no big deal until the beast within me awoke. 

I had been on birth control from my late teens to control acne, painful periods and the rest. And my body was only off them when “oops” pregnant at 19 and then having the little guy a few years ago.

I felt like a zombie on that shit. GOD it played with my mind, but a girls got to do what a girls got to do.

 So when the “V” word (Vasectomy) came into discussion after Jack was born, I was fist pumping the air! Whoooo! No more artificial hormones in my system and because we had decided no more gorgeous bundles of joy {that keep you awake all night and spew in your mouth} this was a win win for both of us.

It was liberating, throwing those packets of little pills in the bin. YES! Seeya sista! No more! And once they were gone – I forgot about it.


 My goodness! Why didn’t anyone warn me about this? There were no coffee date discussions with the girls to forewarn me, there was no open Facebook group to reach out to, there were no mobile apps to remind me that I would morph into the devil for a week,  that I would have a burning urge to kill everything in site and the smallest thing would send me through the roof! I needed to be warned PEOPLE! I think my household full of boys needed to be warned.

 Any who…. Apparently this is very common. 75% of women experience symptoms of PMS sometime in their life. Symptoms such as

  • Mood swings {Totally!}
  • Irritability {Yep!}
  • Depression
  • Anxiety {I hear ya!}
  • Fluid Retention
  • Bloating
  • Breast tenderness
  • Sugar Cravings
  • Headaches
  • Sleep Disturbances

The headaches, the lack of sleep, the mood swings, my golly the mood swings were driving me MAD! Until I realized what was happening to me.

 So I googled away, and found this great link about a “real” lady who had some great tips on how to handle to monthly exorcist.

Check out her saving post here 

Do you experience PMS? Does it drive you crazy? What did you do to help the monthly explosion of emotions?

Please share.

My husband will forever be in your debt 


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