Many moons ago, I was successful in acquiring a job in management.
Looking back now, I can see that my boss at the time was quite instrumental in the way that I learnt how to manage people and teams. In a way, he became a business mentor to me and provided me with priceless knowledge and information that I to this day use in work and life on a daily basis.
"Try to do 3 things that is not part your normal scope of work every day" he would say.
I managed 2 departments with quite a few staff members in a fast paced environment. Where KPI's and deadlines were crucial and if our teams target weren't met - the flow on effect would impact deliveries, warehousing staff and most importantly our consumer.
So everyday, I would start the day by logging on to my computer, go through reporting, check on staff and after about the first half an hour, I would pick three things that I would tackle on top of the day to day work load. This could range from something that was mentioned in a staff meeting, to developing a new report, commence staff appraisals preperations and so on. Slowly over time - this habit became habitual and without fail every night that I pressed the "shutdown" button on my screen, I looked down on my notepad and could see three things crossed out.
Even now, years after, I do this everyday.
But I don't know about you, but during this time of the year I always get the slumps. I feel like the year should be over and well, I'm feeling that burnt out feels. So I thought, instead of just adding three extra things every day and feel like I'm drowning even more that I am; how about taking Five things away first??
Hear me out.
I am wanting to make the last two months of the year productive but not at the expense of my mental sanity. So with becoming productive I will be kind to myself too.
So here are my five things that I'm going to minus/ change/ make easier on myself till Christmas.
- Sort our my weekly dinners by either doing a batch of meals over the weekend or organising a delivery of meals to prepare that are quick , easy and healthy
- 8pm is Social Media Cut Off time every night.
- I will not be doing a load of washing every day. I will limit my interaction with the most hated task in the entire world omg i would rather clean toilets - to only twice a week.
- I will delegate chores so that I do not feel overloaded.
- I will declutter my house by Christmas.
How about you? What five things could you make changes to in your life that would make room for three things?
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