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The Last Few Days



The last few days have been shit – and that’s putting it lightly.


A couple of weeks ago, we had our lovely, awesome neighbours over for dinner – I actually attempted to cook something out of the ordinary, wanting to show my extensive cooking knowledge. Ha! Who was I kidding, I googled the recipe, (who knew Sage was a herb!) and decided on spatchcock thanks to Masterchef inspiration. I followed the recipe to the tee. You should have seen the kitchen 15 minutes before everyone was coming over – spatchcocks were out of the oven – fry pans city browning them off – mash potato going cold, oh yes this was an epic success! (Not)


A few bottles of wine and great conversation flowing, we ended up talking about being healthy (fitting as we were all happy and the wino was flowing), but something re-triggered in me about my health, sugar that we consume, the meals that we prepare and overall looking after ourselves.


If someone had of asked me a few years ago whether I truly thought about my health I would have laughed, “I’m young!” “ Everything’s fine” but looking back I was treating my body like shit.


2 years ago I quit energy drinks. I was drinking up to 3 energy drinks a day and have a chocolate bar for breakfast, I felt fine but boy did I feel the withdrawals when I stopped this! Like an addict it took weeks even months to come off the need for that sugar hit. I stopped adding sugar to my coffee – yes it tasted like crap for a month but I now can’t imagine putting sugar in my coffee every morning.


So after that conversation I thought –“right, we’re changing the way we eat again” I wanted to lose that belly fat that I keep blaming on the baby but really it was just me, possibly look at exercising and in general work on feeing better.


The next day I ate a full bag of bacon and cheese balls.


Yep, plan and action are two different things.


The following day I made a Freekah and Brussels Sprout warm salad with Feta – it was actually really yummy and I didn’t feel like crap after – Steve even commented that it was nice.


And then the pain started. It was a weird pain– a constant pain in my left side and lower stomach. I’ve had my appendix out so I ruled that out – but it wouldn’t go away. Off to the doctors I went and it came up with a bladder and kidney infection. I hate taking antibiotics but you do what you got to do.

5 days passed and the pain was actually getting worse – the antibiotics didn’t seem to help so I drove myself back to the doctors who advised – you mostly likely have kidney stones and a nasty infection, off to the emergency room you go.


Kidney stones! Isn’t that for old people? Apparently not.


Well didn’t I feel sorry for myself! Moping around and sitting there waiting in the emergency room – passing my “urgent referral” to the triage nurse who asked me “what’s the pain out of 10?” to which I replied “9” and was given a panadol and told to wait.  (Seriously! I needed something intravenously stat!)


5 hours in total of waiting, being seen by doctors and checking that I don’t have a blood infection – I was aptly informed that there were no beds and to go home and come back the next morning for more tests.

Doctors confirmed kidney stones, kidney infection and bladder infection the next day. Bloody hell! I’m 31 next month – I really need to start looking after myself.


So sitting here writing this down (on extremely strong painkillers) – I am making a commitment to change. I don’t care whether it takes me all year to do it – but slowly I am going to be making healthier choices for my little family and myself. Yes, I will fall down, but I will keep getting up – because my boys and my love need me as much as I need then.



On other just as exciting news:


  • I’m still trying to convince myself that a $2k purchase of a Thermomix is completely required for this family
  • Steve has finished his masterpiece of his fence in our front yard
  • Ethan has given me some really awesome hugs the last few weeks which I know are to deter bedtime – but I’ll take them!
  • Jack’s new questions of “why?” and “what’s happening” a thousand times a day make so frustrated and happy at the same time
  • Next week is our wedding anniversary  - 6 years and we’re both stubborn like crazy but love each other to bits and haven’t’ killed each other yet!


pretty groovy fence Steve!
image from
nearly 6 years!
my babies



Times of pain, feeling low can show you perspective and sometimes give you that kick up the arse that you need.


I think I might go and make a salad for lunch.

















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