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when you visit the Mclean's..

 If you were to arrive at my front door today you may be welcomed and ushered in... you may also hear me scream out from the kitchen to let yourself in! And once you had come through the front door and worked your way through the lounge room maze of toddler toys and nearly killed yourself by slipping on a piece of leggo on the floor - you may find me trying to do 10 things at the same time completely failing at all or on the floor with the kids being attacked by nerf guns and trying to protect myself while Jack is sitting on top of me clearly not realising that this will infact send mummy off to another chiropractor visit!

Many of our friends that come over love our place as there is always something going on - whether it's Steve with his constant house renovation projects ( i will maintain that i do help with these!) - furniture or appliances getting flipped on ebay or gumtree so that i can "change up" how the place looks - kids running and playing around and the constant banter of "  i need coffee (steve)", " i'm hungry mum(ethan)", "my dummy!(jack)" "go away(again jack)" " i'm bored (me)". Oh the brilliant hum of the McLean household!

We are massive coffee lovers here - and before you knew it, you would be offered your coffee of choice   - but really any excuse for us to have another one as well!

Our coffee machine sits PROUD on the kitchen bench and needless to say in the 3 years we have had it, it pumps out up to 15 coffees a day reliably and really should be considered part of the family!

Our home is your home so when you're here - chill out on the couch, make yourself something to eat, heck chuck on a movie if you want! And if you want to fold a basket of washing or even turn on the vacuum i will most definetely not stand in your way. 

So i dedicate this post to our Breville Coffee friend! May you faithfully turn on every morning, and continue to create the most yummiest thing i know! We are forever grateful! 







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